WE are the Help!!!

From the 1995 Million Man March we have entered into the year 2023. NOW, More than ever, we must adequately comprehend one very particular type of "Disaster" that is pressing upon America. That particular type of "Disaster" is "Divine Intervention". JUST AS REAL , AND JUST AS SIGNIFICANT AS ALL THE STORIES IN THE BIBLE and THE QURAN, "Divine Intervention" is as relevant as the other 3 types of "traditional" disasters (Natural; Technological; and Intentional).   

Because of this pressing REALITY (Divine Intervention), it is vital that a significant factor of Black People (American Descendants of Slavery/ADOS) realize (know of a surety) that WE fit the prophecy of the people in "bondage" for a 400 year time-frame (Genesis 15: 13).

As an Emergency Management "practitioner" -- and, as a qualified Ohio Emergency Management Agency CERT instructor -- I ask that every Black Man who visits this  website, allow themselves to take a very very deep review of the information presented HERE.  After which, I hope that Black Men will become proactive in appreciation of this practical guidance into Emergency Management concerns, issues, and activities that concern us ALL... There is absolutely no intention, HERE, to exclude White/Caucasian persons from the TRUE and ACTIONABLE INFORMATION that is presented on this website. As a matter of fact, we hope that everyone will act in accordance to their VERY BEST human interest.  
                                                                                                                                                              Leroy Shabazz (Fischer) FEMAP Primary Advisor

Click the below  OHIO EMA certificate for full view; and to access links to various OHIO EMA websites... Click the individual FEMA certificates below for full view;  or (click here to view further FEMA training information).  

THE VITAL IMPORTANCE & CAPACITY of CERTs Click Here for brief video commentary.

The CERT platform is widely accepted & appreciated  in various communities. Visit: https://nationalcert.org 

Black Men are Immediately  needed for local CERTs.  Click Here for brief video commentary.

A brief Introduction to Supreme Emergency Management/Disaster Preparedness --- and How A/The Nation can/will last forever. 

Happy SAVIOURS DAY 2023 to the Nation of Islam! Ready 4 Whatever!                   Click below Here for Video